Circular economy

Boys with Brains has believed in the usefulness of a circular economy . The reuse of raw materials that are always scattered is important in this. The literal translation is that it is a circular economy or circular economy of an economic and industrial system in which no finite raw material stocks are depleted and in which residual materials are completely reused in the system.

The energy for a pure circular economy must come from renewable sources, in particular solar and wind. This in imitation of the natural system. The opposite of the circular economy is the linear economy, where finite raw material reserves are depleted and, after use, end up in the environment as unusable waste.

It is important that as Boys With Brains we, together with our clients, will add value to the reusable products. This means, for example, purchasing a product with services for a fixed monthly amount. That product can, for example, be a telephone that is delivered as new or refurbished with a second life. A provider can add a SIM card and we can take care of the installation, service and service desk. Another party can also be added to take care of the software. This model, called WAASIE (Workplace as a service), offers different parties the opportunity to deliver something and gives the economy room to enjoy a better environment for longer.